Handbook Challenge-led system mapping: A knowledge management approach

The Challenge-led system mapping approach responds to the need to improve the practitioner’s capacity to move towards transformational system change by providing mechanisms by which to work more horizontally with challenge owners and other actors. Knowledge management as a good practice for analysis and communication responds to the increasing need to co-produce actionable knowledge and make it accessible for practitioners through participatory methods.

This handbook summarises what we have learnt. It was designed to be simple for practitioners to use as a complementary tool for participatory processes based on visual tools. It offers a step-by-step process to guide practitioners, from simple concepts and examples to key elements for practical application. In doing so, a knowledge service logic has been introduced as a response to the challenges of multiple practitioners such as professionals, business managers and civil servants for combining technical assistance with expert advice and horizontal interactions with the purpose of achieving a collective understanding of socio-technical systems as part of the co-design process for a portfolio of transformative activities.

The system mapping process facilitates learning by enabling a collective understanding of societal problems as part of the combined system assessment and co-design process for a portfolio of transformative activities. System mapping enables the engagement of people who recognise knowledge as an asset.

This methodology is in constant evolution and should not be considered an exact formula. Indeed, it is precisely its adaptability to new environments that has been fundamental to its success. In fact, this publication would not have been possible without the support of a broad community of practitioners working on addressing system innovation within cities, regions, and countries. They have provided new insights and joined us on the journey of translating what we have learnt together into practice-based knowledge.

We hope that the reader will draw out the lessons learned and concepts from this new material, continuing this loop of knowledge transfer. This handbook exemplifies learning that can be applied in their environment, promoting understanding, adaptation and transformation to address the growing impact of climate change on their environment.


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